Thursday, October 21, 2010

Try to Imagine this....

Yesterday afternoon, we heard some very emotional testimony from George's brother-in-law, Jason.  Jason, who is married to George's sister talked about George's family life and the circumstances immediately after his murder.  He said that in addition to George's sister and parents, who both reside in other states, George had a brother that died of leukemia at a very young age. 

It was Jason, who was summoned to New York from Maryland to identify George's body after he was stabbed over 20 times.  Imagine that.  Jason, who because of his geographic distance, only saw George 5-7 times a year at holidays, etc. had to come to New York to see his brother-in-law stabbed.  Jason also testified that George was a regular drinker.  This would seem to indicate that it wasn't unusual for George to have alcohol in his system as he did the night he was killed.

Jason's children were very fond of their Uncle George and I can tell you that I would accompany George before most of his trips back home to see his family as he would go to a nearby magic shop to pick out magic tricks for his kids, spending alot of time to select tricks that would be advanced enough to dazzle on-lookers but simple enough for them to master despite their youth. 

George absolutely loved his family as you can hear in a portion of the audio in the video below.  Seeing Jason and the emotional toll that his taken on George's family really underscores what an incredibly vile injustice John Katehis committed and how evil he truly is.  Trying to comprehend their pain, genuinely puts a chill up my spine. 

George wrote about his sister, niece and nephew here.

1 comment:

  1. I knew George very well. Yes, he drank, but I never saw him do drugs or show any interest in drugs whatsoever.

    He was not infatuated with knives or violence. He was a kid at heart, really. I could totally see him in the magic shop trying to decide what to buy. My heart breaks reading these details.
