Tuesday, October 26, 2010

After Day 1, No Verdict

Right before the close of of the deliberation day, the jury sent the Judge a third note at 4:48 PM.  The note essentially said something to the effect of:

We haven't reached a unanimous decision on said case.  Please instruct us. 

After discussion with both attorneys, the Judge indicated that it was too soon for an Allen Charge (an instruction from the Judge to continue deliberating and basically to try harder; it's sent after a jury indicates they are deadlocked) and that it was only a few minutes before he would  normally send them home for the day.

The Judge then brought in the jurors and gave them the standard jury instruction- do not discuss the case, don't read any media about the case, etc. 

He then sent them home for the day and told them to come in at 9:45 AM tomorrow.

Before leaving the court room, John Katehis saw his father in what was apparently a new suit (dark black with think white pin stripes) and motioned that he liked the suit and then smiled and laughed in a manner that was chillingly reminiscent of the manner in which he did in on his MySpace page while posing with knives. 

How anyone can be undecided as to the guilt of this twisted, sick individual is completely beyond me.  I hope whoever has reservations as to his guilt comes to their senses tomorrow and quickly delivers a guilty verdict.


  1. I hope the unanimous vote isn't being held up by the snoozing juror.

  2. Stabbing someone 50 times is not self-defense. WTF doubt could there be?

  3. Thanks Frank for your continued reporting on this very sad case. I too hope that the sleeping juror doesn't derail the verdict and that justice is ultimately served. I know this must be very painful for you based on your relationship with George. Lets hope the jury does the right thing so this nightmare can be over.
