Friday, October 22, 2010

Defense begins Mon

The prosecution will rest its case on Monday morning and the defense will put on its case.  Judge Firetog he expects to get to summations on Monday afternoon and give the case to the jury.  Yesterday (Thursday) at the charge conference, defense attorney Jeff Schwartz, continued to spar with the Judge on everything from recalling witnesses to what instruction the Judge would give the Jury about the charges.  He also put on record an objection with the Judge that he wasn't showing impartiality in front of the jury and that in re-phrasing Schwartz's cross examination questions to witnesses was actually playing the role of prosecutor.  This accusation was laughable to anyone who has been watching the trial.

Katehis will be arguing self defense, essentially saying that he killed George because he felt threatened and thought his life could be endanger.

In my limited experience watching Judge Firetog, he seems incredibly smart, very fair and a very respected Supreme Court Justice, among both his peers and other lawyers.  One lawyer said earlier in the week, that "there wasn't a better Judge in the building".  Indeed his reputation seems to indicate that as he's been a Judge for three decades and was formerly the Chief Administrative Judge for the State Supreme Court in Brooklyn.

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